
Dear friends,

We are glad to welcome you to our new site. If this is your first visit, please do a quick overview of the navigation menu. You will get a pretty good basic understanding of Our services, that we have been offering to the Bulgarian community for fifteen years already. Additional variety can be found in our Online store, where especially rich are the selections of books (Bulgarian and translated literature), as well as those of souvenirs and gifts from Bulgaria. In Gallery Art & Fashion we present Bulgarian painters, sculptors, photographers and designers, and the famous message board in our office, here is transformed in a large section for any kinds of Classified. We also hope you will like the News room with selected issues from the Bulgarian media. And finally, our Members club, where in fact our community’s life reflects as we all communicate with each other in different forums by interests.

Please, register to get full access to all functions of the site. Registration is simple, fast and free, not bind you to anything, but rather, as you will see later, will provide opportunities for many bonuses, benefits and privileges.

We hope you will be pleased with the time that we spend together!

Tatiana Dimitrova

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